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윈도우 파일 이름, 경로 빠르게 복사하기

by 와리브 2019. 5. 17.



Copy a file list as text from Windows Explorer

Is there a quick way to copy a list of filenames as text into the clipboard from Windows Explorer? I can do it from the command prompt with dir > filenames.txt, but I am looking for something a...



까먹을까봐 적어둔다, 윈도우에서 여러 파일 경로를 한번에 확인/복사 하기 위해서는 Shift + 우클릭 후 'Copy as path' 혹은 '경로복사' 를 클릭하면 된다.


Q. Is there a quick way to copy a list of filenames as text into the clipboard from Windows Explorer?




In Windows 7 and later, this will do the trick for you

  • Select the file/files.
  • Hold the shift key and then right-click on the selected file/files.
  • You will see Copy as Path. Click that.
  • Open a Notepad file and paste and you will be good to go.

The menu item Copy as Path is not available in Windows XP.


요렇게 나온다.

